October, 2018 Newsletter
1. Introducing Customer Support job template
In the first of a series of career.place templates, we are happy to announce the availability of our Customer Services Representative (CSR) template. Use our templates to save time and effort when defining qualifications for your next position.

The template has pre-set content to easily qualify applicants for standard CSR roles, including job description and requirements, pre-selected assessments and suggested homework questions.
All you do is add your specific requirements and post.
Click here to learn more, or log into career.place to take a look.
2. What’s New - Expanded statistics

We have expanded the reported stats to include in-stage applicant status, giving greater insight into your applicant flow.
See the status of all applicants in each stage: in progress, failed, passed, and opted out.
Quickly see the percentage of applicants that passed through each stage at any time.
Easily check out the status of your applicants by clicking on the funnel for each job.
Want to learn more? Contact us at: info@career.place.
3. Feature Spotlight - Jobs on pause

Did you know you can pause a job?
Great for those times when you are interviewing final candidates and want to put the applicant flow on hold, or for those jobs that you hire for throughout the year, but not at this moment. When you pause a job:
In progress applicants are automatically notified when jobs are put on ‘pause’ and when they are ‘unpaused’.
Jobs are automatically removed from all job boards and a ‘pause’ message displayed clearly on the job interface in career.place.
to your account to check it out.