Melissa Dobbins
Apr 24, 20243 min read
I say tomato, you say filet mignon? Three tips to avoid salary expectation mismatches
The next time you are gearing up to find that perfect candidate, taking weeks of pains-taking vetting, avoid the heartache of everything fal

Melissa Dobbins
Dec 16, 20201 min read
Tip of the week: Don't call candidates or jobs "diverse"
Reason: Calling candidates or jobs “diverse” has two problems. First, “diverse” is not synonymous with minority or a specific...

Melissa Dobbins
Dec 9, 20201 min read
Tip of the week: Don't have an answer - ask instead
Reason: Unfortunately, we don’t always have all the answers to candidate questions, including when it comes to diversity, inclusion,...

Melissa Dobbins
Dec 1, 20201 min read
Tip of the week: If using gifts, select those that are universal and neutral
Reason: Parting gifts are a wonderful touch to an engaging candidate experience, unless those gifts give a very clear message of “I don’t...

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 18, 20201 min read
Tip of the week: Pay no attention to the room behind the candidate
Reason: It used to be common advice – when attending a video interview, make sure you are dressed appropriately, and the background is...

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 11, 20201 min read
Tip of the week: Go beyond diversity statements to showcase DEI action
Reason: Diversity statements are plentiful. Unfortunately, many linger in the words giving candidates the impression that they are...

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 4, 20201 min read
Tip of the week: Use engaging, informative job descriptions
Reason: engaging, informative job descriptions attract and excite all those who would thrive in the position, including those who may not...

Melissa Dobbins
Dec 12, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Prepare a pre-interview message
Prepare a communication plan to ensure no candidate is at a disadvantage by not getting important information, especially those with...

Melissa Dobbins
Dec 5, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Don't forget to schedule the 'thank you and goodbye' at the end of the interview
This ten-minute conversation is a good time to thank the candidate for their time, get feedback on their experience and...

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 21, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Designate a single point of contact for your candidates
Designate and communicate a single point-of-contact for all questions so candidates are not left blasting out emails to everyone, or worse,

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 14, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Establish and communicate candidate-driven change requests for the hiring process
Define and communicate a change request process so candidates know what to do and that you understand...

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 4, 20193 min read
Which has more ghosts? Halloween or Hiring?
This Halloween season has come to an end, but in hiring the haunting never seem to end.

Melissa Dobbins
Oct 31, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Train the interviewers
Consider making a variety of materials available to refresh rules and best practices - from short-format blogs to video clips, to a full...

Melissa Dobbins
Oct 24, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Explain the hiring process up front
Candidates who don’t know what is happening or what will happen next could be left feeling disoriented, nervous, or confused, which will...

Melissa Dobbins
Oct 17, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Replace keywords with descriptive language in job descriptions
Replace or augment keywords with descriptive language when describing a job.

Melissa Dobbins
Oct 10, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Ask all applicants if there is anything they need
Help candidates. During the process, keep the candidates informed of the steps and ask if there is anything you can do or...

Melissa Dobbins
Sep 12, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: "I can't talk about it" is a valid answer
When a candidate says “I can’t talk about it”, rather than push the candidate or dismiss them, switch from ‘what have you done’ to....

Melissa Dobbins
Sep 5, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Qualifying for a job rarely includes a candidate's style
Choice of clothing, make-up, hair, tattoos, etc. is influenced by a variety of reasons and interpreted through our own biased lenses.

Blaine Phelps
Jul 18, 20191 min read
The Art of Selecting Assessments
Choosing assessments AND their provider can be a daunting task - but not if you use the simple step-by-step process defined in this...

Melissa Dobbins
Jul 18, 20191 min read
Tip of the week: Showcase the authentic diversity of the team and organization
Showcasing diversity during interviews is fantastic, but it must be authentic diversity, full of people relevant to the experience