Melissa Dobbins
Dec 18, 20183 min read
Reflections of 2018
Tis the season for reflection – the time when we look back at the past year and think about all the things we did (or didn’t) do… often...
Nov 9, 20182 min read
Career.Place continues to make the hiring process easier by integrating with Slack™
Career.Place now delivers applicant activity to Human Resource channels Career.Place, removing bias one hire at a time, announced today...
Melissa Dobbins
Aug 27, 20182 min read
The Secret Behind the Ideas
I am incredibly blessed to be surrounded by family, friends, colleagues, and associates with passion, strong opinions, and incredible...
Melissa Dobbins
Jul 16, 20183 min read
Get your bias off my novel!
Everyone needs an escape, sometimes daily, sometimes yearly – but something they can do to recharge from all the pressures and demands of...
Melissa Dobbins
May 29, 20181 min read
CEO Dobbins' DisruptHR Presentation
Melissa Dobbins, CEO of Career.Place, gives her five (5) minute presentation on how Bias breaks the HR hiring practices and how easy it...
Sep 13, 20162 min read
MDG2 Technologies Forms Career.Place, a SaaS Based Offering for HR Departments that Removes Bias fro
Founders commit to removing the inherent biases found when hiring new employees MDG2 Technologies LLC announced today the formation of...