Blaine Phelps
Jul 18, 20191 min read
The Art of Selecting Assessments
Choosing assessments AND their provider can be a daunting task - but not if you use the simple step-by-step process defined in this...

Melissa Dobbins
Apr 23, 20193 min read
The data says what??? Career.Place vs. a common bias
The submissions were eye-opening. While we had no idea of the candidate’s gender, age, ethnicity, or anything else, we did have their respon

Jul 12, 20182 min read
Volunteers, AI Reporting, and Skills
1. Introducing Our Free Volunteer Offering Career.Place is proud to announce that we are now free to use for all volunteer positions. As...

Matthew Borneman
Jun 26, 20183 min read
Focusing on Soft Skills to Promote Hiring Diversity
Confession time: I’m grumpy.(1) Now, I come by it naturally. My dad is also grumpy.(2) Which makes our conversations pretty funny when we...

Melissa Dobbins
Nov 14, 20177 min read
Five things you look for in a hire that are commonly misused
So, are your qualifiers going to help or hinder you when looking for the right candidate? Here are five qualifications that are commonly....